Expert Solutions to problems in roofing and exterior building envelope performance for over 20 years. Call Now for a free consultation: 574.234.2198
ConSpecT is an independent roof consulting firm specializing in solutions to problems in exterior building envelope performance, mainly roofs. ConSpecT's owners are professional Registered Roof Consultants (RRC).
Our first objective is to help our clients get the best return on investment with their existing roof & exterior wall assemblies. Secondly, when it comes time to reroof we prepare plans, specifications, and bid documents for quality, custom designed, roof systems that work, so all pre-approved bidders are submitting bids on generically equal products & installation methods.
During reroof construction, building owners and contractors both benefit with ConSpecT providing unbiased third party roofing professionals to review submittals and to monitor the roof installation process and verify that the correct materials are being properly installed, aka Quality Assurance Monitoring.
Return On Investment (ROI) is maximized with ConSpecT's Roof Asset Management services during the life-cycle of the roof system. We use custom tailored programs to fit each client's needs. Services include:
Roof condition assessment. This sometimes includes infrared surveys and other testing.
Energy Use and life-cycle analysis. Large roofs have a direct influence on the cost of doing business. Heat & air conditioning cost are the main non-asset expenses but there is also production downtime and company business image that can have an impact on sales.
Proactive maintenance work write-ups with repair directive specifications and proposed budget estimates. This proactive approach promotes inexpensive repairs before they become large scale expenses.
Quality Assurance Monitoring of the repairs and updating the Roof Asset Mgmt program to reflect the repair responsibility locations.
Long-term budget planning so that eventual reroof expenses can be planned for, instead of expensive crises reactions.
We also provide roof failure forensic investigations, roof/wall dispute resolutions, and if needed expert witness testimony. ConSpecT=Roof Value Assurance
For more details Contact ConSpecT
Brian R. Ullery,
President and
Brian Ullery, RRC, EI has been in the roof consulting industry since 1991. Mr. Ullery is co-founder of ConSpecT Services, a 1991 graduate civil engineer (BSCE) from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, a registered Engineer-Intern (EI) and a Registered Roof Consultant (RRC) since 1999. Mr. Ullery has been involved in the design and construction administration of over 50 million square feet of re-roof projects. Mr. Ullery has experience in performing wind uplift tests, infrared roof surveys, and the implementation of roof asset management programs for both Cape Canaveral and Patrick Air Force Bases, Florida totaling over 4.5 million square feet.