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Events and Awards
"Excellence in Construction" Award
ConSpecT received the "Excellence in Construction" 2014 award for the 2013 reroof design of the Purcell Pavilion at the Notre Dame Joyce Center issued by Michiana Area Construction Industry Advancement Fund (MACIAF) and the Michiana Builders Association for the "Roofing - Educational" category.

1st place for Roof Project Documents
ConSpecT won a 1st place in the RCI "2000 Specification Documents Competition" for the Central Christian Church slate reroof and masonry repair plans, specification, & bid documents. The project included plans, specifications, and installation details to remove & replace all of existing slate on all of the western wings, repair the existing slate and flat copper roof on the eastern wings, install new flat seam copper saddles & crickets around the back-side of the bell tower, rebuild the upper part of all of the deteriorated masonry walls including resetting limestone parapet caps, and 100% repointing of designated masonry areas. The following year one of our custom designed installation details from that project was used on the cover of the RCI Directory of Membership publication. For more information Contact ConSpecT.

For more details Contact ConSpecT
ConSpecT in Business Weekly
The South Bend Tribune's InMichiana issue included a "Living Roofs" article with advice for homeowners contemplating a green (vegetated) roofs.
The South Bend - Tribunes Business Weekly included an article titled "ConSpecT offers help to building owners from the ground up".
TV Video of Green Roofs & Sustainable Roofs
A green roof (in this case a roof with plants) covered with growing medium and vegetation, installed over drainage and water retainage layers, all above a waterproofing membrane.
See our Green Roof episode on WNIT Outdoor Elements, Season 9, Selection 3 – “Easy To Be Green – Episode #903”, scroll down to last (3rd.) video segment titled “Green Roofs” and click on the link to see screenshots of the video.
ConSpecT in InMichiana
The South Bend Tribune's InMichiana issue March 2011 pg 4 included a "Living Roofs" article with advice for homeowners contemplating a green (vegetated) roof.